List of offered services
Services of family doctors
Family doctor's consultation
Repeated family doctor consultation (during the month)
Brief family doctor's consultation
Pediatrician consultation
Blood sampling
Intramuscular injection in the procedure room (without drug cost)
Day inpatient (ward)
Ozone therapy
€65.00 - €95.00
Intravenous therapy
Introduction and drip in the procedure room (up to 1 hour)
Vitamin therapy
€36.00 - €95.00
Vitaminų terapija - Glutationo terapija (infuzinis tirpalas įskaičiuotas)
Vitamin therapy - Vitamin c
Vitamin therapy - B6
Vitamin therapy - Folic acid
Vitamin therapy - Magnesium
Vitamin therapy - B1
Vitamin therapy - B12
Vitamin therapy - For improving the nervous system
Vitaminų terapija - Geležies atsargų atstatymui (1 ampulės kaina be infuzinio tirpalo)
Intravenous drug therapy
Intraveninė terapija NAD+
Intraveninė terapija NAD+ + glutationas + vitaminas C
Paid vaccines
TicoVac Adult (Tick-borne Encephalitis Vaccine)
TicoVac for children (tick-borne encephalitis vaccine)
VaxiGrip (flu vaccine)
Gardasil 9 (human papillomavirus vaccine)
Prevenar 13 (pneumococcal infection)
Apexxnar (pneumokoko sukeliamos infekcijos vakcina)
Varivax (varicella vaccine)
Bexsero (meningococcal B vaccine)
Twinrix (Hepatito A ir B vakcina)
Adacel (difterija, stabligė, kokliušas)
Preventive inspections and certificates
Employee medical certificate
Medicininė pažyma prieš mokyklą/darželį
Medical certificate for amateur drivers
Medical certificate for persons seeking authorization to purchase a firearm
Medical certificate for adoption, guardianship
Medical certificate for attorneys, attorneys' assistants, notaries, physicians to obtain a license
Medical certificate for those going abroad
Cardiologist consultation
Vaikų kardiologo konsultacija
Cardiac echoscopy with Doppler
Exercise test
Monitoring with a Holter monitor 24 hours. (diagnosis of rhythm disorders)
Monitoring with a Holter monitor for 48 hours. (diagnosis of rhythm disorders)
Diurnal blood pressure monitoring
Pakartotinė kardiologo konsultacija (mėnesio bėgyje)
Ortopedo - traumatologo konsultacija
Pakartotinė ortopedo - traumatologo konsultacija
Trombocitais praturtintos plazmos (PRP) paruošimas ir suleidimas
Trombocitais praturtintos plazmos (PRP) su hialuronu paruošimas ir suleidimas
Adult and child neurology
Neurologo doc. dr. konsultacija
Vaikų neurologo konsultacija
Vaikų neurologo med. m. dr. konsultacija
Repeated neurologist consultation
Neurochirurgo konsultacija
Pakartotinė neurochirurgo konsultacija
Spinalinė blokada esant nugaros skausmui
Epidūrinė steroidų injekcija
Selektyvi nervo blokada
Vascular surgery
Vascular surgeon med. m. Dr. consultation
Vascular ultrasound
Gynecology and Obstetrics
Consultation of an obstetrician-gynecologist
Pakartotinė gydytojo akušerio-ginekologo konsultacija (dėl tos pačios ligos menėsio bėgyje)
Ultrasound examination of the pelvis
Fetal ultrasound
IUD Insertion (Without IUD Price)
IUD removal
Cervical biopsy (with histological examination)
Gimdos kaklelio polipo pašalinimas
Makšties drėgmės atkūrimas (PRP su hialuronu)
Kiaušintakių praeinamumo tyrimas su ExEm putomis ultragarso kontrolėje - HyFoSy *(į procedūros kainą neįskaičiuotos ExEm putos (88 eur))
Surgeon mammologist consultation
Re-consultation of a mammologist surgeon
Landings and suture removal after breast surgery
Cytological examination of nipple secretions
Biopsy of palpable breast masses
Endokrinologo konsultacija
Endokrinologo med. m. dr. konsultacija
Repeated endocrinologist consultation during the month
Urologo konsultacija
Echoscopy of kidneys, bladder (for both men and women), prostate, testicles (only for men)
Pakartotinė urologo konsultacija mėnesio bėgyje
Prostatos masažas
Echoscopic examinations
Echoskuopotojo konsultacija
Breast ultrasound
Echoscopy of breast and axillary lymph nodes
Thyroid ultrasound
Echoscopy of abdominal organs without kidneys
Echoscopy of abdominal organs with kidneys
Uropoietic system organs echoscopy
Odos, paodžio darinių echoskopija
Minkštųjų audinių punkcija
€60.00 - €110.00
Comprehensive ultrasound examinations for women
Comprehensive ultrasound examinations for men
Otorhinolaryngologist consultation
Otorinolaringologo med. m. dr. konsultacija dėl vestibulinės funkcijos
Pakartotinė otarinolaringolo konsultacija
Consultation of an otorhinolaryngologist for drivers
Prescribing treatment, commenting on research
Auricular videoendoscopy
Sulfur plug removal/flushing (stationary system)
Vestibular function test (without equipment)
Vestibulinės funkcijos įvertinimas: Videonistagmometrija (Sny, HIT, HsT, Poziciniai/Repoziciniai mėginiai mėginiai)
Evaluation of vestibular function: Videonystagmometry (Sny, HIT, HsT, calorimetry)
Nasal endoscopy
Laryngeal endoscopy
Foreign body removal from ENT organs
Listening tube purging with stationary equipment
Primary wound care (ENT organs)
Hearing test with tuning fork
Placing a bandage with medication in the ear
Placing a medicated bandage in the nose
Anterior nasal tamponade to control epistaxis
Laryngeal instillation
Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Pirminė individuali kineziterapeuto konsultacija
Repeated physical therapist consultation
Manual therapy (60 min.) (primary)
Manual therapy (60 min.) (repeated)
Kinesitherapy (30 min.)
Kinesitherapy (45 min.)
Kinesitherapy (60 min.)
Individual therapeutic massage (30 min.)
Individual therapeutic massage (45 min.)
Individual therapeutic massage (60 min.)
Kūdikių kineziterapija
Vibracinis masažas
Nėščiųjų masažas
Dental services
Therapeutic treatment
Dental doctor's examination (10 min.)
Dental consultation and examination (30 min.)
First aid for toothache, application of medicine
€40.00 - €60.00
Tooth filling (small filling)
€80.00 - €100.00
Tooth filling (medium filling)
€100.00 - €150.00
Tooth filling (large filling)
€140.00 - €160.00
Esthetic filling of teeth (1 tooth)
€200.00 - €230.00
Tooth restoration before/after endodontic treatment
Full tooth crown restoration with filling
€100.00 - €150.00
Glass ionomer seal
€40.00 - €70.00
Dycal, Theracal
Biodentine cement, Acitva
Gingival retraction
Restoration of worn biting edges, chewing surfaces (1 tooth)
€60.00 - €80.00
Fiberglass dowel (single root)
Fiberglass dowel (multi-root)
Set of one-time measures
Pediatric Dentistry
Initial consultation, examination
Dental photograph
Dental photograph
Oral hygiene
Filling of primary teeth
€40.00 - €80.00
Filling of permanent teeth
€70.00 - €110.00
Treatment of milk tooth pulpitis
€60.00 - €100.00
Drug administration
Temporary seal
Temporary seal
Fluoride application (1 jaw)
School certificate
Sealant (1 tooth)
Putting out a baby tooth
€30.00 - €50.00
Oral hygiene and whitening
Professional oral hygiene (ultrasound and sandblasting)
Repeated oral hygiene (during the month)
Professional oral hygiene for children (up to 12 years old)
Individual hygiene training
Fluoride application (all teeth)
Fluoride application (1 tooth)
Fluoride application (1 tooth)
Beyond Teeth Whitening System
Internal whitening (1 tooth)
Endodontist consultation
Endodontic treatment/retreatment of 1st canal tooth
Endodontic treatment/retreatment of a 2-channel tooth
3-4 kanalų danties endodontinis gydymas/ pergydymas
€400.00 - €450.00
Canal preparation (canal passage / removal of old filling, shaping)
Passage of difficult channel
Formation of complex channel
Canal sealing
Root canal sealing with hydraulic calcium silicate-based cement
Removing the pin
€40.00 - €100.00
Removal of breaker/passage adjacent
€60.00 - €100.00
Preparation of lodge for pin
Closure of perforation
Using the microscope - 15min
Preparation through the crown
Temporary Infill
Cofferdam system
Cofferdam system
Consolidation of calcium hydroxide paste
Dental X-ray
Periodontist consultation
Repeated, regular assessment of the periodontological condition during maintenance treatment
Individual oral hygiene training
€20.00 - €30.00
Deep periodontal pocket cleaning (curettage) 1 tooth
€20.00 - €30.00
Deep periodontal pocket cleaning (1st quarter)
€60.00 - €90.00
Gingivectomy (1 tooth)
Patch surgery (1 tooth)
€70.00 - €90.00
Conservative treatment of periimplantitis
Surgical treatment of periimplantitis
Lip, tongue tie plastic
€60.00 - €70.00
Tooth crown extension
€80.00 - €100.00
Recession coverage without subepithelial connective tissue graft
€100.00 - €150.00
Recession coverage with a connective tissue graft from the donor area
€150.00 - €200.00
Reinforcement of a group of teeth with fiberglass tape (1 tooth)
Strengthening of a group of teeth with a wire-composite brace (1 tooth)
Applying a periodontal dressing
Prosthetics On Teeth
Orthopedic doctor's consultation
Alginate stamp
Silicone Seal
Individual spoon impression
Bite Register
Registration of the position of the upper jaw with a face bow
Diagnostic models
Diagnostic waxing (1 tooth)
Silicone Guide (Clear)
Mock up grave
Temporary Crown (Cabinet Made)
Temporary crown (lab made)
Removing old wreath (stamped)
Removing the old wreath (cast)
Removal of metal cult pad
€20.00 - €70.00
Restoration of tooth crown with fiberglass pins (single root)
Restoration of tooth crown with fiberglass pins (multi-root)
Restoration of a tooth crown without a fiberglass pin
Metalless ceramic crown, covered
€500.00 - €600.00
Zirconia crown
€500.00 - €550.00
Solitary crown in front teeth
€600.00 - €700.00
Metal-free ceramic laminate
€500.00 - €700.00
Zirconia Cult Pin Inlay
Cementation of permanent crown (1 tooth)
Temporary crown cementation (1 tooth)
Prosthetics on implants
Temporary crown on implant
Ceramic crown based on zirconium oxide on an implant (screwed)
€600.00 - €650.00
Zirconium oxide-based metal-free ceramic crown
€650.00 - €700.00
Individual zirconium abutment
Silicone double layer seal against implants
Prosthetics of missing jaw on 4 implants (titanium beam and zirconium oxide ceramic finish)
Prosthetics of missing jaw on 6 implants (titanium beam and zirconium oxide ceramic finish)
Surgical treatment
Physician-Surgeon Consultation
€40.00 - €60.00
Extraction of milk tooth
€30.00 - €50.00
Extraction of milk tooth
€30.00 - €50.00
Removal of permanent tooth
€80.00 - €100.00
Permanent tooth removal (complex)
€100.00 - €130.00
Wisdom (retined) tooth removal
€150.00 - €200.00
Operative tooth removal
€150.00 - €200.00
Tongue/lip tie plastic
€70.00 - €90.00
Odontological cyst removal operation
€150.00 - €180.00
Removal of implant
€150.00 - €280.00
Resection of tooth root apex
€150.00 - €250.00
Treatment of periostitis pericoronaritis
Removal of soft tissue formations (face/mouth)
€60.00 - €110.00
Incision (cut), introduction of drain
Alveolės susiuvimas
Suture removal
Set of disposable dental instruments
Danties implantacija (Straumann)
€700.00 - €800.00
One-moment implantation
Sinus floor elevation surgery
€400.00 - €1,200.00
Bone augmentation (price depends on the treatment case)
€250.00 - €600.00
Healing Head
Temporary tooth
Removable prostheses
Thermoplastic aesthetic plate
€250.00 - €350.00
Plate on implants with locator fixation
Plate on implants with telescopic fixation
Plate corrections (bonding)
€40.00 - €60.00
Plate corrections ( rebasing)
€70.00 - €100.00
Plate amendments (one-tooth law)
Plate corrections (insertion of hook)
Myorelaxant grave
Grave for protection
Grave from gnashing of teeth
Dermatologist consultation
Trichologo konsultacija
Pakartotinė trichologo konsultacija
Pakartotinė dermatologo konsultacija (iki 3 mėn. dėl tos pačios odos problemos)
Vaistų išrašymas
Skubi dermatologo konsultacija (papidomu iš anksto suderintu laiku)
SARS-CoV-2 2019 Tests
Anti-RBD SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) IgG antibodies (quantitative)
SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test (nasal swab)
SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV, coronavirus) RNA detection (PCR) (nasal swab)
SARS -CoV (2019-nCoV, coronavirus) RNA determination (PCR) (nasal swab) (up to 2 hours)
SARS -CoV (2019-nCoV, coronavirus) RNA detection (PCR) (nasal swab) (5-7 hours)
Gripo testas
Gripo+SARS-CoV-2 antigeno testas
Gripo, SARS-CoV-2, RSV testas
Gripo, SARS-CoV-2, RSV, adenoviruso testas
Issuance of certificate
Blood test programs
Primary screening program for women
Pirminė ištyrimo programa vyrams
Research program for children
Secondary research program for women
Secondary research program for men
Advanced screening program for women
Advanced screening program for men
Išplėstinė ištyrimo programa persirgus Covid-19 infekcija
Ištyrimo programa persirgus Covid-19 infekcija
Kardiologinė (širdies) ištyrimo programa
Advanced renal function evaluation program
Primary renal function evaluation program
Primary hepatobiliary screening program
Advanced hepatobiliary screening program
Kepenų ir tulžies ištyrimo programa
Liver examination program (for drug users, alcohol, poisoning)
Ištyrimo programa prieš hepatito B vakcinaciją
Viral Hepatitis Screening Program
Primary thyroid screening program
Advanced thyroid screening program
Female Hormone Program
Priešvėžinė gimdos ištyrimo programa
Anticancer Advanced Ovarian and Uterine Screening Program
Women's Cancer Screening Program
Policistinio kiaušidžių sindromo ištyrimo programa
Vyro sveikatos tyrimai
Priešvėžinė vyrų ištyrimo programa
Celiakijos ištyrimo programa
Virškinimo sistemos ištyrimo programa
Diabetes Study Program
Rheumatic diseases research program
Krešėjimo tyrimų programa
Mažakraujystės ištyrimo programa
Research program for active sportsmen
Research program for dieters, vegetarians, vegans
Student health screening program
Wellness Research Program
Chronic Fatigue Research Program
Krauju plintančių ligų programa
Acute and chronic cough screening program
Problem skin examination program
Vitamin and micronutrient program
Hair Loss Study Program
Diagnostics and research
General clinical, immunohematological tests
Anaplasmosis detection in blood (microscopic examination)
Automated hematological (blood) test (BCT)
Automated hematological (blood) test (BKT) (with reticulocytes)
Automated strip urine test (Urinalysis)
Babesia spp. in erythrocytes (microscopic examination)
Determination of Rhesus antibodies (using standard erythrocytes)
ENG (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
Microscopic examination of fecal smear (co-program)
Determination of worm eggs and protozoan cysts
Blood group according to the ABO system and determination of the Rh(D) factor
Cytomorphological examination of blood smear (leukogram)
Microscopy of female genital secretions
Determination of 12 narcotic substances in urine (amphetamine, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, opiates, methadone, marijuana, phencyclidine, buprenorphine, oxydone).
Microscopic examination of skin scraps to identify fungi
Reticulocyte count
Detection of fecal occult bleeding (iFOBT)
Study of circular eggs
Platelet count
Longevity tyrimai
suPAR Longevity tyrimas + tyrimo protokolas
Biochemical research
a - amylase
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT, GPT)
Albumin in urine
Antistreptolysin-O (ASO) - quantitative assay
Aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT, GOT)
Determination of protein fractions by electrophoresis
Total protein
Total protein in urine
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
C-reactive protein (CRB)
High sensitivity CRB
HDL (α) cholesterol
Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c)
Glucose tolerance test
Glucose tolerance test (3 points)
Calcium total
Calcium ionized
Pancreatic amylase
Urine creatinine
Creatinine clearance (deductible)
Creatine kinase (CK)
Creatine kinase cardiac isoenzyme (CK-MB)
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Lithium (Li)
LDL (β) cholesterol
Reumatoidinis faktorius (RF) –kiekybinis tyrimas
Alkaline phosphatase
Uric acid
Bile acids
Blood coagulation indicators
Activated partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
D-dimers (FEU)
Prothrombin time test
Hormonal studies
Antimüllerian hormone (AMH)
Anti-TG (anti-thyroglobulin antibodies)
Beta chorionic gonadotropin (β HCG)
Horonic gonadotropin (HCG)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA-SO4)
Estradiol (E2)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Free thyroxine (LT4)
Free triiodothyronine (LT3)
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Progesterone (PG)
Prolaktinas (PRL)/makroprolaktinas
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (ATPO)
Tetraiodothyronine, thyroxine (T4)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Cancer Markers
a-fetoprotein (AFP)
CYFRA 21-1
HE4 (a marker for epithelial ovarian cancer)
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Free PSA
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
ROMA index (deductible)
Cancer marker CA 125 (ovarian)
Cancer marker CA 15-3 (breast)
Cancer marker CA 19-9 (pancreas)
Cancer marker CA 72-4 (stomach)
Other immunoenzymatic tests
Tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) IgA (for celiac disease testing)
Tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) IgG (for celiac disease)
Antibodies against TSH receptor (anti-TSHR)
ANA (screening) nuclear antigen antibodies
Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP)
Folic acid
IgG class antibodies against beta2 glycoprotein 1 (Anti-b2-GP1 IgG)
IgM class antibodies against beta2 glycoprotein 1 (Anti-b2-GP1 IgM)
IgA class antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptide (Anti-DGP IgA)
IgG class antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptide (Anti-DGP IgG)
IgG class antibodies to cardiolipin (AKA IgG)
IgM class antibodies to cardiolipin (AKA IgM)
Immunoglobulins A
Immunoglobulins G
Immunoglobulins M
ANCA (screening) neutrophil cytoplasmic antigen antibodies
NT-pro BNP (heart failure marker)
PRISCA I prenatal risk study (PAPP-A, free beta-HCG) (gestation 11 - 13 weeks+6 days)
PRISCA II Prenatal Risk Study (alpha fetoprotein, chorionic gonadotropin, estriol (E3)) (gestation 14 - 22 weeks)
Troponin T
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Infectious Markers
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal antigen test
Identification of adenoviruses
Borreliosis (Lyme disease) IgG antibodies
Borreliosis (Lyme disease) IgM antibodies
Borreliosis (Lyme disease) WB IgG determination
Borreliosis (Lyme disease) WB IgM determination
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM
Determination of Clostridium difficile toxin A/B in feces by immunochromatographic method
EBV (Epstein Barr virus) IgM
EBV (Epštein Baro viruso) IgG
Tick-borne encephalitis IgG
Tick-borne encephalitis IgM
Tick-borne encephalitis IgG (post-vaccination evaluation)
Influenza A and B virus test (nasopharyngeal swab)
Determination of influenza A, B and SARS-CoV-2 virus (nasopharyngeal swab)
Helicobacter pylori antigen determination in feces
Helicobacter pylori IgA
Helicobacter pylori IgG
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) IgG antibodies
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) IgM antibodies
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Hbcor antibodies
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HbsAg antigen
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBs antibodies
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies
Herpes simplex virus type 1 IgG
Herpes simplex virus type 2 IgG
IgG class antibodies against Herpes simplex 1+ 2 (HSV1+2 IgG)
Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 IgM
Yersinia spp. IgA
Yersinia spp. IgG
Quantiferon test (QuantiFeron®-TB Gold Plus) for tuberculosis detection
Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp. identification and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM
Identification of Noro viruses
Ruella virus IgG
Identification of rotaviruses
RPR quantitative reaction (syphilis)
Toxoplasma gondii IgG
Toxoplasma gondii IgM
Treponema pallidum IgM and IgG antibodies (syphilis)
Measles IgG
Determination of urogenital infections by calorimetric method
Varicella zoster IgG (chickenpox)
Varicella zoster IgM (chickenpox)
Determination of HIV type 1/2 antibodies and p24 antigen
Allergen studies
Immunoglobulins E (IgE)
Inhalant Allergen Collection 26 (51)
Inhalation Allergen Kit (33)
Food Allergen Collection 29
Food allergen collection 34 (40)
Mixed Allergen Collection 35 (48)
Mixed allergen set 54
ALEX2 Macroarray Mixed Allergen Set 295
Food Hypersensitivity Studies
Food allergen-specific IgG (ImuPro Screen) (22)
Food allergen-specific IgG (ImuPro Basic) (90)
Food allergen-specific IgG (ImuPro Complete) (270)
FOX macroarray food hypersensitivity study 287
intestinal microflora studies
Intestinal microbiota study
GutWell Microbiome Study
Prices for DNA testing of infectious agents
Candida albicans (PCR)
Chlamydia trachomatis (PCR)
Gardnerella vaginalis (PCR)
Herpes simplex virus (SV ½) (PCR)
Mycoplasma hominis (PCR)
Mycoplasma genitalium (PCR)
Neisseria gonorrheae (PCR)
Trichomonas vaginalis (PCR)
Ureaplasma parvum (PCR)
Ureaplasma urealyticum (PCR)
Ureaplasma spp. (Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum) (PCR)
Genotyping of HPV 16 and 181 (PCR)
ŽPV aukštos rizikos genotipo nustatymas (16; 18; 31; 33; 35; 39; 45; 51; 52; 56; 58; 59; 66; 68) (PGR)
Determination of HPV high- and low-risk genotypes (28 types) (high-risk genotypes - 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 73, 82; low-risk genotypes - 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70)(PCR)
Identification (PCR) of 4 sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrheae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis)
Identification (PCR) of 7 sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis)
10-ties lytiškai plintančių sukėlėjų (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans, Herpes simplex virus (HSV1/2)) nustatym
Determination of bacterial vaginosis (PCR) (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Lactobacillus spp.)
Kandidozės nustatymas (PGR) (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida prapsilosis, Candida tropicalis)
Genetic research
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas VeriSeq N4
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas VeriSeq N6
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas VERACITY
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas VERACITY su mikrodelecijų nusatymu
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas VERAgene
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas myPrenatal Genome Karyo
Neinvazinis prenatalinis tyrimas Karyo Plus
Microbiological research
Culture of tracheal aspirate
Bioptate crop
Bronchoalveolar lavage culture
Bronchial secretion crop
Stool diagnostic culture
Stool prophylactic crop
Catheters, drains crop
Blood culture by automated method for identification of fungi
Blood culture by automated method for children under 5 years
Blood culture by automated method
Culture of skin, nails, hair for identification of fungi
Crop from mouth
Crop from throat
Crop from intubation tube
Crop from nasopharynx
Culture from pleura
Crop from pharynx
Crop from urethra
Culture from tracheostomy tube
Crop from wound
Crop for tonsils
Milk crop
Prostate secretion culture
Sputum crop
Urine crop
Urinary catheter culture
Genital smear crop
Nasal swab for Staphylococcus aureus
Nasal swab crop
Skin smear crop
Smear from the genitals to detect group B streptococci
Ear swab crop
Punctate crop of facial furrows (sinuses)
Investigations performed by sub-suppliers
17-OH progesterone
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in urine
Adenovirus IgG antibodies
Adenovirus IgM antibodies
Determination of adenovirus by DNA method
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
APC-R (activated protein C resistance)
Tin (Sn), heavy metal
Alergenui specifinių IgE nustatymas (vienos specifikos, pasirenkama iš pateikiamo sąrašo, kuriame yra daugiau 110 specifiškumų)
IgE to honey bee venom (i1)
IgE to amoxicillin (c6)
Penicillin G
Penicillin V
IgE to olive (t9)
IgE to ampicillin (c5)
IgE to cashew (f202)
IgE for roundworm (human ascarid) (p1)
IgE to cefaclor (c7)
IgE to chlorhexidine (c8)
IgE to pholcodine (c261)
IgE to morphine (c260)
IgE to latex
IgE to wasp venom (i3)
IgE for cat (fur, skin, scales) (e1)
IgE to house dust mite D.farinae (d2)
IgE to house dust mite D.pteronyssines (d1)
IgE to cow's milk (f2)
IgE for dog (fur, skin, dander) (e5)
IgE cocoa (f93)
IgE to peanut (f13)
IgE to walnut (f256)
IgE to soybean (f14)
IgE for gluten (gliadin) (f79)
IgE to wheat (f4)
IgE to rye (f5)
IgE to barley flour (f6)
IgE for egg white (f1)
IgE to egg yolk (f75)
IgE chickens (f83)
IgE for cod (f3)
IgE pork (f26)
IgE to orange (f33)
IgE for tuna (f40)
IgE for yeast (f45)
IgE salmon (f41)
IgE for strawberry (f44)
IgE for rabbit (fur, skin, scales) (e82)
IgE to hazelnuts (f17)
IgE coffee (f221)
IgE for oats (food) (f7)
IgE for tonsils (f20)
IgE for herring (f205)
IgE for mackerel (f206)
IgE for shrimp (f24)
IgE to bivalve molluscs (f207)
IgE to blue mussel (f37)
IgE beef (f27)
IgE turkey (f284)
IgE to egg (f245)
IgE for July (t208)
IgE for birch (t3)
IgE to tomato (f25)
IgE peppers (f218)
IgE to chili pepper (f279)
IgE to grapes (f259)
IgE for blue cheese (f82)
IgE for cheese (cheddar type) (f81)
IgE to onion (f48)
IgE for guinea pig (fur, skin, scales) (e6)
IgE for domestic ferret (fur, skin, dander) (e217)
IgE to Moth (g6)
IgE for ringworm (wormwood) (w6)
IgE to ginger (f270)
IgE chinchillas (fur, skin, scales)
IgE to pine (t213)
IgE to Scots pine (t16)
IgE for parrot feathers (e213)
IgE to canola (w203)
IgE for mosquitoes (i71)
IgE calendars (f317)
IgE to cumin (f265)
IgE to saffron
IgE for ambrosia (w14)
IgE to medicinal hay (w19)
IgE for bitter gourd (w5)
IgE for white pigeon (w10)
IgE to alpha-gal bovine thyroglobulin (o215)
IgE to goat's milk (f300)
IgE to white-faced hornet venom (i2)
IgE yellow hornet venom (i5)
IgE for mouse (fur, skin, scales) (e71)
IgE to mouse urinary protein (e72)
IgE to rabbit urine protein (e211)
IgE for rat (fur, skin, scales) (e73)
IgE to rat urinary protein (e74)
IgE for mussels (f37)
IgE to maize (f8)
IgE to maize pollen (g202)
IgE for potato (f35)
IgE mint (f332)
IgE to tobacco dust (o201)
IgE Candida albicans (m5)
IgE to grapefruit
IgE for oysters
IgE for hazelnut (t4)
IgE to pistachios (f203)
IgE to apple (f49)
IgE for carrots (f319)
IgE for rice (f9)
IgE to banana (f92)
IgE for the mold mushroom (Alternaria) (m6)
IgE guar gums E412 (f246)
IgE to gum arabic (acacia sap) E414 (f297)
IgE to Cochineal extract (Carmine red) E120 (f340)
IgE sweet carob resins E410 (f296)
IgE for kiwifruit (f84)
IgE mandarinams (f302)
IgE to lemon (f208)
IgE to lime (f306)
IgE Pityrosporum orbiculare
Birch component rBet v 1 (t215)
House dust mite D. pteronyssinus component: nDer p 1 (d202)
House dust mite D. pteronyssinus component: nDer p 2 (d203)
Cow's milk component nBos d 4 (f76)
Cow's milk component nBos d 5 (f77)
Cow's milk component nBos d 8 (casein) (f78)
Cat component rFel d 1 (e94)
Cat component rFel d 2 (e220)
Cat component rFel d 4 (e228)
Dog component rCan f 1 (e101)
Dog component rCan f 2 (e102)
Dog component nCan f 3 (e221)
Dog component rCan f 5 (e226)
Motiejuka's component rPhl p 1 (g205)
Peanut component rAra h 1 (f422)
Peanut component rAra h 2 (f423)
Peanut component rAra h 3 (f424)
Peanut component rAra h 8 (f352)
Peanut component rAra h 9 (f427)
Wheat components rTri a 14 (f433)
Wheat components rTri a 19 (f416)
Wheat components nGliadin (f98)
Bee component: rApi m 1 (i208)
Bee component: rApi m 10 (i217)
Wasp component: rVes v 1 (i211)
Wasp component: rVes v 5 (i209)
Phleum pratense (Phleum pratense) component g213
Cod component rGad c 1 (f426)
Shrimp component rPen a 1 (f351)
AllergoBasic 100 (P01)
AllergoClassic 120 (P27)
AllergoExpert MakroGardelė 300 (P22)
AllergoInsect (bee and wasp) (P05)
AllergoHouse (Dust Mites & Mold) (P17)
AllergoPlant (motherwort, wormwood, birch) (P18)
AllergoBaby (egg, milk and wheat) (P19)
AllergoPet (Cat & Dog) (P20)
Determination of allergen-specific IgE against inhaled allergens by the IB method
Determination of allergen-specific IgE against food allergens by the IB method
Alpha 1 antitrypsin
alpha amylase in urine
Alpha glucosidase activity (GAA) in dried blood drop
Aluminum (Al), heavy metal
Determination of amphetamines in blood
Determination of amphetamines in urine
Determination of amino acids in serum
Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
Copeptin (antidiuretic hormone analog)
Antidiuretic (ADH) hormone (vasopressin)
Determination of Rhesus antibody titer
Anti-insulin antibodies
Smooth muscle antibodies (SMA)
Anti-MOG (antibodies against myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein)
Anti-parietal cell antibodies (APCA)
Antibodies to poliovirus types 1 and 3
Tetanus toxin IgG
Antibodies against soluble liver antigen (SLA)
Identification of Rhesus antibodies by column method
Determination of beta-2-glycoprotein 1 antibodies IgGAM
Determination of amebiasis (Entamoeba histolytica) IgG antibodies
Antibodies against low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (Anti-LRP4)
Autoantibodies against double-helical deoxyribonucleic acid (anti-dsDNA)
Antibodies against EBV early antigen (EBV-AA IgG) (ELISA)
Determination of antibodies against EBV nuclear antigen IgG in serum and plasma (anti - EBBA IgG)
Glomerular basement membrane antibodies (anti-GBM)
Determination of anti-heparin antibodies
Antibodies against kidney/liver microsomes (LKM)
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (AKA) IgGAM
Autoantibodies against mitochondrial antigen M2 (anti-AMA M2)
ANA nuclear antigen antibodies (with glow type)
ANCA neutrophil cytoplasmic antigen antibodies (with glow type)
IgG antibodies against pneumococci
Anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies
Anti-Ma2** (GERMANY)
Anti-NMDAR (N-methyl-D-Aspartate-type Glutamate receptor autoantibodies)
Anti-Saccharomyces Cerevisae Antibodies (ASCA)
Anti-Sm (Smith antibodies)
Antithrombin III
Apolipoprotein A-1 (Apo A-1)
Apolipoprotein A-II (Apo A-II) concentration determination
Apolipoprotein B (Apo B)
Apolipoprotein E (Apo E)
Apolipoprotein ratio (Apo B/Apo A1 )
Arsenic (As), heavy metal
Ascaris lumbricoides IgG
Aspergillus antigen (Galactomannan) determination
Atopobium vaginae (PCR) (from scraps)
Gold (Au), heavy metal
Autoantibodies IgG centromere (kinetochore)
Autoantibodies IgG Mi-2
Autoantibodies IgG Scl 70 (AK to nuclear enzyme DNA topoisomerase I)
Anti-sperm antibodies
Autoantikūnų prieš neuronus patvirtinantis tyrimas
Autoimmune encephalitis antibody mosaic (NMDA, AMPA, VGKC-associated CASPR2, LGI1)
Confirmatory autoantibody anti-MPO; anti-PR3; anti-GBM assay
Determination of bacterial gastroenteric pathogens by PCR method
Protein 14-3-3** (GERMANY)
S100 (melanoma metastasis marker)
Protein C concentration determination
Protein S concentration determination
Determination of barbiturates and other medications in biological media by HPLC method
Bartonellosis IgG antibodies
Bartonellosis IgM antibodies
Bence-Jones protein
P1NP (generic procollagen-like propeptide)
General examination of sputum (physical properties, microscopy of native preparation, microscopy of stained smear, determination of RAB)
Sputum microscopy for detection of tuberculosis mycobacteria
Determination of benzodiazepines in blood
Determination of benzodiazepines in urine
Beryllium (Be), heavy metal
Beta carotene
Beta2 microglobulin
Beta CrossLaps (osteoporosis (bone resorption) marker)
Bicarbonate concentration determination (CO2)
Bismuth (Bi), heavy metal
Identification of Borrelia in ticks
Bromazepam concentration determination
Brucellosis IgG
Determination of C1 esterase inhibitor concentration
C1 inhibitor functional activity assay
CA 50 cancer marker
Candida PCR palette (albicans, tropicalis, dubliniensis, parapsilosis, glabrata, krusei)
Determination of Candida antigen (Mannan)
Candida albicans antibodies IgG
Candida albicans antibodies IgM
Chikungunya virus detection in blood (PCR)
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA
Chlamydia pneumoniae/Mycoplasma pneumoniae (PCR)
Chlamydia trachomatis IgA
Chlamydia trachomatis IgG
Chlamydia trachomatis IgM
Chlamydia trachomatis LGV (PCR)
Chlorides in urine
Chlorides (in daily urine)
Cholesterol metabolite assay
Chromium (Cr), heavy metal
Chromogranin A
Cyclosporin concentration determination
Circulating immune complexes (CIK)
Cystatin C
Antibodies to Cycticercus cellulosus IgG
Antibodies to Cycticercus cellulosus IgG
CMV IgG avidity
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA quantification
Clostridium difficile toxin determination in feces (PCR)
Determination of COVID-19, influenza A, influenza B, RSV by PCR method
Cryptosporidium parvum, Giardia lamblia (giardia) and Entamoeba histolytica antigen in feces
Determination of category D VI antigens by column method
PCR palette of dermatophytes (T. rubrum, M. canis, E. floccosum, Pan-dermatophytes spp.)
Delta-amino levulinic acid (GERMANY)
PCR detection of dengue virus
Determination of dengue virus IgG by IF method
IgM determination of dengue virus by IF method
Determination of DiaClon A1 antigen
Determination of DiaClon D (VI neg.) antigen
DiaClon H antigen detection
Diamine oxidase (DAO)
Diazepam concentration determination
Diphtheria toxin IgG antibodies
Blood concentration of digoxin
Echinococcus spp. IgG
Echinococcus granulosus IgG
ECP (eosinophil cationic protein)
ENA (detection of antibodies against secreted nuclear antigens)
Endomysial antibodies (EMA) IgA
Endomysium antibodies (EMA) IgG
Entamoeba histolytica/dispar antigeno nustatymas
Entamoeba histolytica antigen detection
Mumps IgG
Mumps IgM
Erythropoietin EPO
PCR test for tick-borne encephalitis
Ethylene glycol determination in blood, urine
Determination of ethyl alcohol in blood, urine, etc. in media
Estrone (E1)
Determination of fibrin and fibrinogen degradation products (FDP)
Fibroblast growth factor (FGF-23)
Phytanic acid
Fluoride (F), heavy metal
Folic acid in erythrocytes
Phospholipid IgG
Phospholipid IgM
Phosphorus in daytime urine
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) receptors
Gentamicin concentration determination
Glucose in urine
Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Glu-6-DP)
Dermatophytes and Candida PCR Palette
Determination of haloperidol concentration
Determining the species of helminth
Hemoglobin EF
Hemosiderin in urine
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBcor IgM antibodies (anti-HBcor IgM)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBe antibodies (anti-HBe)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBe antigen (HBeAg)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBs Ag antigen neutralization reaction
Determination of hepatitis C virus (HCV) IgG by immunoblotting method
HCV RNA quantification
HCV RNA genotyping
Hepatitis D virus (HDV) total antibodies
Hepatitis E virus IgG antibodies
Hepatitis E virus IgM antibodies
Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) IgM
Herpes simplex virus type 1 IgM
Herpes simplex virus type 2 IgG
HLA-CW6 allele determination
GastroPanel (Helicobacter pylori IgG, Pepsinogen I, Pepsinogen II, Gastrin)
Immunoglobulin D (IgD)
Determining the concentration of immunoglobulin G in the cerebrospinal fluid
Determination of influenza A, B and RSV by PCR method
Inhibin A
Inhibin B
Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
Y. enterocolitica IgA
Y. enterocolitica IgG
Determination of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis T1, Yesinia enterocolitica O3 and O9 antibodies
Iodine (in urine)
Cadmium (Cd), heavy metal
Calcium in urine
Potassium in urine
Potassium (in daily urine)
Determination of cannabinoids in blood
Determination of cannabinoids in urine
Catecholamines (in plasma) (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine)
Karyotype determination from peripheral blood lymphocytes
Pancreatic elastase 1 (in feces)
Manual determination of Kell antigen
Determination of Kell antigen by column method
Kiekybinis psichotropinių vaistų tyrimas
Determination of worm eggs in faecal smear (concentration method)
Determination of worm eggs and larvae in faeces by Kato's method
Determination of worm eggs and protozoan cysts by the formalin-ether method
Cobalt (Co), heavy metal
Determination of cocaine in blood
Determination of cocaine in urine
Qualitative determination of Toxoplasma gondii DNA
Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) IgA
Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough) IgG
Determination of whooping cough (Bordetella pertussis) by PCR method
Combined Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma genitalium DNA determination (qualitative)
Study of functional activity (CH50) of the classical pathway of the complement system
Cortisol in daily urine
Cortisol in saliva
Blood Group DiaClon ABD
Blood group DiaClon ABO/D
Determination of blood type by cross-column method
Blood compatibility sample (by column)
Creatinine clearance (group)
CK-MB mass assay
Electrophoresis of creatine kinase isozymes (CK-MM, CK-MB, CK-BB)
Determination of coagulation factor II
Determination of coagulation factor IX
Determination of coagulation factor V
Determination of coagulation factor VII
Determination of coagulation factor VIII
Determination of Coagulation Factor X
Determination of coagulation factor XI
Determination of coagulation factor XII
Anti factor 10a (targeting riboxaban)
Cryptosporidium (Cryptosporidium sp.) antigen detection in feces
Determination of bacterial pathogens of respiratory tract infection by PCR method (RB5)
Determination of viral agents of respiratory tract infection by PCR method (RV16)
PCR test for Lyme disease
Free protein S antigen
Free hemoglobin in plasma
Free carnitine
Nephrins (free metanephrine and free normetanephrine)
Free estriol (E3)
Free testosterone
LDH isozymes
Identification of the genetic factor responsible for lactose intolerance (PCR)
Leflunomide blood concentration
Legionella pneumophila antigen in urine
Legionella pneumophilia IgG
Legionella pneumophilia IgM
Serological diagnosis of leptospirosis by microagglutination method
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) (GERMANY)
Determination of Giardia lamblia antigen in feces
CSF protein electrophoresis
Liquor test
Reaction of lymphocyte blast transformation to mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA)
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) antibodies
Lipoprotein A
Lipoprotein electrophoresis
Lupus anticoagulant study
Lupus erythematosus (LE) cells in blood
Magnesium in urine
Magnesium (daily urine)
Determination of malaria antigen
Malaria IgG antibodies
Manganese (Mn), heavy metal
Determining the number of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow
Melatonin in saliva
Determination of bacterial pathogens of meningitis by PCR method
Methylmalonic acid
Myoglobin in urine
Molybdenum (Mo), heavy metal
Determination of monoclonal antibody by IF method
Nagalase assay
Narkotikų testas (10 medžiagų)
Sodium in urine
Sodium (in daily urine)
Neonatal blood grouping (ABO/Rh) and direct Coombs column test
Determination of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF)
TPS (tumor polypeptide specific antigen)
Nematode (roundworm) IgG (Ascaris, Anisakis, Filaria, Strongyloides, Toxocara, Trichinella)
NSE (neuron-specific enolase)
Neutrophil nitromud tetrazole sample (NBT)
Nickel (Ni), heavy metal
Determination of norovirus antigen by immunoenzymatic method (Elisa)
Analysis of organic acids in urine
Palladium (Pd), heavy metal
Paliperidone concentration determination
Pertussis IgG
Parapertussis IgA
Determination of parapertussis (Bordetella parapertussis) by PCR method
Determination of parasite eggs in sputum
Determination of parasite eggs and cysts in urine
Qualitative determination of parvo virus DNA
Culture for tuberculosis from various test material on solid nutrient medium
Culture for tuberculosis in Bactec MGIT liquid nutrient medium
Determination of rabies virus IgG
Determination of protozoa in faecal smear
Determination of protozoa in blood
Pyridinoline in urine
Platinum (Pt), heavy metals
SCC (Squamous Cell Cancer Antigen)
Quantification of polyomavirus JC DNA
Differentiation of porphyrins + porphobilinogen
ProGRP (progastrin-releasing propeptide) (lung cancer marker)
Proneurotensin (Pro-NT, a selective marker for breast cancer in women)
Punktato iš pleuros mikroskopinis tyrimas
Coenzyme Q10
Ruella virus IgM
Reticulocyte counting by automated method
Reverse triiodothyronine (T3)
Determination of acid-fast bacteria in smear
Determination of anti-SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) IgM
Selenium (Se)
Determination of serum amyloid A concentration
Sidabras (Ag), sunkusis metalas
Silicon (Si)
Examination of joint synovial fluid (synoviocytogram)
Cytological examination of sputum-stained smear
Microscopy of native preparation of sputum
Natriuretic peptide (BNP)
IGF-1 (growth factor)
Antimony (Sb), heavy metal
Stress indicators
ST2 marker
Sultiamum drug concentration determination
Palette of heavy metals in urine
Superoxide dismutase
Bone alkaline phosphatase
Urea in urine
Urine protein electrophoresis
Urine protein electrophoresis to determine the type of proteinuria
Study for urinary tract stone
Lead (Pb), heavy metal
Toxoplasma gondii IgG avidity
Determination of tacrolimus concentration
Thalli (Tl), heavy metal
Determination of theophylline concentration
Coombs Direct Sample
Thymidine kinase (TK)
Soluble transferrin receptors (tTrR)
Titanium (Ti), heavy metal
Measles IgM
Toxocara canis IgG
Toxoplasma gondii IgA antibodies
TRAP (tatrate-resistant acid phosphatase)
Treponema pallidum IgG IB
Treponema pallidum IgM IB
Treponema pallidum IgM, IgA, IgG antibody determination
Determination of Treponema pallidum by dark field microscopy
Determination of Trichinella spiralis IgG
Platelet aggregation (screening, Col/EPI)
Platelet aggregation in whole blood with high-sensitivity ADP (clopidogrel)
Platelet aggregation in whole blood with thrombin receptor-activating peptide
Troponin I
Uranium (U), heavy metals
Valproic acid
Vanadium (V), heavy metals
Determination of vanillylmandelic acid in urine
Varicella zoster DNA qualitative test
Copper amount in daily urine (trace element)
Vitamin 1,25-(OH)2-D3
Vitamin A (Retinol)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Vitamin B5 (Panthenic acid)
Vitaminas B6 (Piridoksalfosfatas)
Vitamin B12, active (holotranscobalamin)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Vitamin D2
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Vitamin H (Biotin)
Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
von Willebrand factor
Zika virus RNA
Zonulin determination in feces
Zonulin determination in serum
Determination of intestinal protozoa and cysts (cryptosporidia, cyclospora, isospora)
Determination of intestinal protozoa and cysts by the Lugol solution method
Determination of intestinal protozoa and cysts by the trichrome method
Identification (PCR) of HLA haptotypes DQ2/DQ8/DR4 in celiac disease
Somatotropic hormone STH (growth hormone, HGH)
Determination of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV) antibodies by immunoblotting method
Determination of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) antibodies by immunoblotting method
HIV RNA detection
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1/2gO antibody detection Random Access
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody assay from gingival fluid
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) drug resistance and/or genotyping
Performance of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) p24 antigen neutralization reaction
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing with issuance of certificate
Determination of human leukocyte antigen HLA B-5701 (HLA)
HIV1/2, HCV, HBV nucleic acid test (NAT) (for donors)
Determination of human leukocyte antigens A (HLA-A, HLA) by molecular method
Determination of human leukocyte antigens A (HLA-A, HLA) by molecular method
Determination of human leukocyte antigens C (HLA-C, HLA) by molecular method
Determination of human leukocyte class II antigens (HLA-DR, DQ, HLA) by molecular biology method
Human T-cell lymphotropic I antibodies
PRP injection of platelet-rich plasma
PRP plaukams
PRP veidui
PRP su hialurono rūgštimi veidui
Hialuronidazės injekcijos
Hyaluronidase injections (Destroying hyaluronic acid deposits)
€90.00 - €120.00
Volume reduction with innovative peptide and hyaluronic acid lipolytics
Lūpų korekcija
Chemical facial exfoliation (peeling)
3 percent NeoStrata retinol
6 percent ZO® SKIN HEALTH retinol
Glycolic acid
Youth point injections Suneka
Youth point injections Suneko 1200
Succinic acid injections
Redermalizacija su gintaro rūgštimi XELA REDERM
€200.00 - €250.00
5 Youth Points Injections PROFHILO
Treatment of sweating (hyperhidrosis) with botulinum toxin injections
Armpit area
Botulinum toxin injections
Tarpuantakio ("rūpesčio/pykčio") raukšlės
Forehead horizontal folds
Akių sritis ("šypsenos rauklės")
Nasal region
Chin area
Lūpos centrinės dalies plokštinimas ("lip lift")
Danteninės šypsenos ("gummy smile") korekcija
Injekcijos dėl griežimo dantimis
Dermatological procedures and tests
Skin biopsy
Histopathological examination
Diagnosis of fungal diseases: microscopic examination
Diagnosis of fungal diseases: culture for identification of fungal species
Diagnosis of fungal diseases: PCR test for dermatophytes
Diagnosis of fungal diseases: PCR test for dermatophytes and yeasts
Diagnosis of bacterial diseases/infections: microbiological examination with antibioticogram
Removal of skin formations
Plastic surgery
Plastic surgeon consultation
4D volume reduction and cellulite treatment with the venus legacy device
The chair
Both geese area
Inner thigh
Outside of thighs
Anterior side of thighs
Back side of thighs
Knees of both legs
Both calves
Taškinis atpalaiduojantis nugaros masažas (30 min)
Taškinis atpalaiduojantis viso kūno masažas (60 min)
Antistresinis - atpalaiduojantis nugaros masažas (30 min)
Antistresinis - atpalaiduojantis kompleksinis nugaros ir kojų masažas (45 min)
Antistresinis - atpalaiduojantis viso kūno masažas (60 min)
Vokiškas Charlotte Meentzen masažas (45 min)
Vibroakustinis bambuko vytelių masažas (45 min)
Anticeliulitinis, probleminių kūno vietų masažas (60 min)
Paslaugos įmonėms
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