Blood test programs

Based on the recommendations of the World Health Organization and their experience, our Clinic's doctors have developed and recommend laboratory test programs or specialized test kits for you. If you are in doubt about choosing a research program, talk to your doctor. Test kits are usually cheaper than buying the same tests individually.


How to properly prepare for a blood test

  • It is recommended not to eat for 8-12 hours before blood tests. Drinking water is allowed.
  • Before taking blood tests, it is recommended not to smoke for 1-2 hours.
  • Do not drink alcohol 1-2 days before blood tests.
  • Blood tests are recommended to be done in the morning, due to the fluctuation of blood indicators during the day.
  • It is recommended to avoid intense physical activity before blood tests.
  • To avoid more significant fluctuations in hormone levels, avoid nervous tension before blood tests.
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List of offered services
Blood test programs
Primary screening program for women
Pirminė ištyrimo programa vyrams
Research program for children
Secondary research program for women
Secondary research program for men
Advanced screening program for women
Advanced screening program for men
Išplėstinė ištyrimo programa persirgus Covid-19 infekcija
Ištyrimo programa persirgus Covid-19 infekcija
Kardiologinė (širdies) ištyrimo programa
Advanced renal function evaluation program
Primary renal function evaluation program
Primary hepatobiliary screening program
Advanced hepatobiliary screening program
Kepenų ir tulžies ištyrimo programa
Liver examination program (for drug users, alcohol, poisoning)
Ištyrimo programa prieš hepatito B vakcinaciją
Viral Hepatitis Screening Program
Primary thyroid screening program
Advanced thyroid screening program
Female Hormone Program
Priešvėžinė gimdos ištyrimo programa
Anticancer Advanced Ovarian and Uterine Screening Program
Women's Cancer Screening Program
Policistinio kiaušidžių sindromo ištyrimo programa
Vyro sveikatos tyrimai
Priešvėžinė vyrų ištyrimo programa
Celiakijos ištyrimo programa
Virškinimo sistemos ištyrimo programa
Diabetes Study Program
Rheumatic diseases research program
Krešėjimo tyrimų programa
Mažakraujystės ištyrimo programa
Research program for active sportsmen
Research program for dieters, vegetarians, vegans
Student health screening program
Wellness Research Program
Chronic Fatigue Research Program
Krauju plintančių ligų programa
Acute and chronic cough screening program
Problem skin examination program
Vitamin and micronutrient program
Hair Loss Study Program
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