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Neurology is a field of medicine that studies and treats disorders and diseases of the human brain and nervous system. During the neurologist's consultation, a highly qualified consultation is provided, an examination of the nervous system is performed, and the condition of the spine and peripheral nerves is assessed. After assessing the patient's condition during the consultation, the doctor can order the necessary additional diagnostic tests and prepare a treatment plan.

The clinic is consulted by a pediatric neurologist who takes care of the child's central and peripheral nervous system from birth to 18 years of age. The main task of a specialist in this field is periodic monitoring of the development of the patient's nervous system, when a problem detected in time allows to avoid many progressive pathologies.

The central and peripheral nervous systems control many functions of our body, so the symptoms of neurological diseases are often seemingly insignificant, but insidious. That a headache has about a hundred causes. Most of them are simple, but it can also be a symptom of a dangerous disease. According to neurologists, neuralgia is often caused by several reasons. It is often mistakenly believed that nerve diseases are caused by colds. A cold cannot damage the nerve itself, it can only weaken immunity and cause an exacerbation of a chronic disease that leads to nerve damage.


A neurologist performs diagnostic tests for brain and nervous disorders, consults and treats patients with nervous system diseases: spine pathology (herniated spinal disc, neck, back and lumbar pain, numbness in arms and legs), headache syndrome (migraine, tension-type headaches etc.), circulatory disorders (stroke, etc.), radiculopathy, neurosis, polyneuropathy, neuralgia, tics, restless legs syndrome, post-traumatic disorders that occurred after head injuries, etc. It is recommended to consult a neurologist if:

  • you feel dizzy;
  • pain;
  • cuts;
  • pain or loss of muscle strength in any part of the body;
  • disorders of taste and smell;
  • coordination disorders;
  • weakness;
  • memory disorders.


The most common neurological diseases are headaches, migraines, cerebrovascular disorders, central nervous system diseases (multiple sclerosis, etc.), degenerative nervous system diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease), spinal diseases, epilepsy, insomnia and other nervous system diseases. diseases:

  • The central nervous system is the brain and spinal cord. Damages or disorders of the nervous system are usually indicated by the following signs: headache and dizziness, movement and movement coordination disorders, speech, memory, swallowing, vision and other sensory disorders. A detailed examination by a neurologist, tests, medical history allows to diagnose whether it is damaged and, if so, which part of the nervous system - central or peripheral - is damaged, to determine the cause of the disease;
  • According to neurologists, the central nervous system is usually affected by circulatory disorders (ischemic strokes or hemorrhages), tumors, various degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.);
    The brain can be damaged by various inflammatory diseases and diseases caused by external factors, such as encephalitis, meningitis, as well as autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis;
    Primary diseases of the nervous system (migraine, epilepsy, etc.) involve poorly functioning nerve cells;
  • Neuralgic pains can also be provoked by inflammatory processes in the body, lack of vitamins, especially group B, as well as toxic damage, starting with the effects of alcohol and ending with heavy metal poisoning. Nerve damage is often caused by changes in the spine, bones, muscles, or tendons through or near which the peripheral nerve passes. Nerve inflammation develops when the nerve touches, rubs, or is pressed by bony outgrowths of the spine, between vertebral disc herniations, thickened ligaments. Uncomfortable, long-term position of the spine or limbs, acute injuries can lead to the development of such inflammation.


During the neurologist's consultation, a highly qualified consultation is provided, an examination of the nervous system is performed, and the condition of the spine and peripheral nerves is assessed. After assessing the patient's condition during the consultation, the doctor may order diagnostic tests:

  • ultrasound examination of neck vessels;
  • fundus examination;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • radiological;
  • echoscopic;
  • laboratory, etc.
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Adult and child neurology
Neurologo doc. dr. konsultacija
Vaikų neurologo konsultacija
Vaikų neurologo med. m. dr. konsultacija
Repeated neurologist consultation
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